Chris Broad - Saltway Honey

Saltway Honey on Facebook

Chris manages around 300 Langstroth hives and 100 queen-rearing mini hives in Worcestershire, where he has also served as Secretary to Worcestershire Beekeepers Association. Starting with 2 nucs in 1999, Chris has built up to a full time business that has supplied several hundred nucs and packages to other beekeepers over the last 5 years. As Langstroth nucs are not the most common format sought by beekeepers in the UK, Chris has opted to offer bees for sale as packages. 

3lb Package bees plus Queen - £125 in non-returnable box

Cost of these packages is £125. A deposit of £25 will reserve your package for a collection of mid-May to early June.

A package is the best option if you have a non-standard hive or if you want your bees on brand new comb (reducing the risk of brood disease to virtually zero). Package bees are also likely to be less stressed by travelling a long distance as they don't have to maintain the brood temperature in the correct range.

Packages should be available for collection from middle of May onwards, but exact timing will depend on how quickly new queens are mated. I am anticipating all packages to be made available by Sunday June 7th 2015.

Queens are being reared here in Worcestershire for these packages.

Here is a short clip of me installing a package in 2012. We'll make sure you know exactly what to do before you leave with your bees.